Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Mind Sculpting

I was always interested in magic, even when I was a young child. The art of slight of hand fascinated me, being able to make things disappear and reappear in a different location or even making things completely vanish. Even as a child, something deep down in me knew that it was all illusion. Nothing more than party tricks that were playing on our inability to see some truth. Later in life I found this to be the case, but I also found out something much more interesting. There’s real magic out there. Not the goofy hocus pocus stuff you see in movies with guys in long cloaks and top hats, with white spats, or even the silly long beard with flowing robes types you see. But genuine down to earth real magic.
I guess I never did really introduce myself, Hello I’m Cole Schnutz. And I have found the true secret of magic. It’s not something that certain people are born with, well sort of. We are all born with the ability. You may not know it, but you have it, and have heard about it in action. I’m sure you’ve heard about Shaolin Monks, or people in lifting cars in extreme emergencies. They call the former exaggerations, and the latter adrenaline rushes.
What most people don’t know is these are really the same thing, It’s really magic. We try to wile away and explain it with science, which is fine, but it’s not really what’s going on under the hood, as it were. The truth is, we have access to this ability within ourselves to really sculpt and modify the reality around us. And I don’t mean in some hippy dippy way, but with a pure force of our will we can modify the space around us.
Some people explain it as believing really hard that something is somewhere else to the point that it now occupies that new space. This is sort of what I mean, if you tap into this internal power that we all have you can in fact shift objects around you into new spaces. What most people don’t realize is we sort of already do this. We all agree on the placement of all the things around us. If we all could tap the power and decide that something is in a different location, it will be.
The strongest magicians of history were able to use this power as well as open up and guide other peoples ability into doing the same. Say if someone wanted there to be a dragon, they would need to use their will to push the dragon into reality, but to keep it there for any amount of time would be daunting, convincing other people to add to this could be enough to keep it there for longer. Oddly it’s the same for making things disappear, one simply needs to sculpt everyones perception into knowing that something isn’t there, and as they say “Poof” it won’t be. Perhaps true magic would be better named Mind Sculpting.


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