Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day Dreaming

It’s days like this, she thought, I wish I was alone. She sat cross-legged in the grass plucking up one blade at a time and inspecting them intently. Each one seemed to have a completely unique look and feel up close, but from a distance they all seemed the same. Her hair, a flat umber with some sun infused gold strode down to her mid-back, but she kept it in a tight ponytail on days like this. She had a tiny nose that she was very proud of. And although most people wouldn’t be absolutely sure, her left ear was one tenth of a centimeter lower than her right. She’d measured it countless times. She had eyes that were a whirlwind of olive and ash with a slight mix of coffee dipped in. She wasn’t terribly fond of her lips; she felt the lower one didn’t stick out quite far enough, and the top one too thin.
With each blade she would think of a new dream that she wanted for her life. She would rub the blade between her forefinger and thumb, feeling the slightly scratchy side on one and the smooth part on the other. With each dream done, she would close her eyes and bring the blade to her lips, kiss it, and then blow it off into the sunlight. Countless dreams were released this way. To her it was the only way to live any of them.
It had been a long night, she thought, as the sun warmed her face and arms. One of the longest she had experienced in a while. Her name, Mariella, felt like someone else’s now. For all one knows she had stolen it last night from an unsuspecting person she crossed paths with? The events that took place were quickly becoming enclosed in the dense haze of her memory, much like to grasp at the last fading parts of a vivid dream as wakefulness cleanses ones mental pallet. Nothing felt real from it now.
Mariella focused on the cold grass beneath her. It was a world of dreams for her to wish away. But right now, more than anything, she just wanted to wish the previous night away. Certain parts would come stabbing back into her memory like lightning bolts: a hissed insult at her close friend; a person being pushed out into the street with cars speeding by; a few minutes, perhaps hours, spent vomiting in some random person’s garden. Not much of it made sense now.
She knew that apologies would be need to be made, and soon. But for now, it was just time to let things go. She closed her eyes and felt a light breeze touch her cheek and forehead. With it brought a delicate scent of far off water and fresh flowers. In the distance she could hear a dog searching for its master, or possibly mate. Her arms came up behind her and her hands interlocked behind her head. The wind slowly assisted her to the ground. She stayed lying there for hours. Things would have to be dealt with, but later. Later.


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